Based on the graph above by flipside crypto, we able to see the price action between ALCX (alchemix) & DPI (Defi pulse index). While the price of DPI is ranging between 350 usd to 500 usd, ALCX are able to over perform DPI on this metric. ALCX begin with 280 usd and today’s price is 1980 usd. which is 600% gain compared to DPI.
The largest DEX volume for both ALCX and DPI is sushiswap and uniswap. On the bar chart above we can see the swap volume of ALCX compared to DPI. The swap volume for ALCX is way much larger than the swap volume on DPI. This explained why the price of DPI is still ranging although the supply of DPI is much lesser than ALCX.
The chart above shown the total account for both ALCX and DPI. The total account for ALCX is only about 2k while total account for DPI is around 11k. In this metric, ALCX is underperform than DPI by having less token holder.
In final words
ALCX has a lot more room to grow compared with DPI which having much lesser holder. Although ALCX had much larger gain compared to DPI, market cap of ALCX is still consider low and the market to TVL ratio is showing us it’s undervalued compared to other DEFI project.
Published by Ah Kek
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